The History of Chi Kung
Are you looking for a traditional Chinese martial art that is easy to learn yet offers a significant impact on health? Then, why not try Chi Kung.
One of the interesting things about Chi Kung is that it is not just a martial art that you can use when you want to protect yourself. It can be also part of your lifestyle and stay healthy at all times. A better martal art for protecting yourself is Wing Chun, but it's not focused as much on your health and lifestyle.
However, before applying to a Chi Kung class, it is better for you to have an overview of what it is, its benefits as well as when it came from or where it originated. This way, you can have a deeper understanding of why you need to apply Chi Kung to your daily life.

In Chinese martial arts and exercises, like in Tai Chi, chi is a flow of energy throughout the human body. Once it is blocked, it can lead to poor health.
As for Chi Kung, it involves different movements that can stimulate the proper flow of chi throughout the body. It is also referred to as meditation in motion.
In Chi Kung, the body movements practised are continuous and smooth where shifting of body weight from one foot to another is involved. Also, the yin and yang concept is very intrinsic to the body movements. Yin is a soft force while yang is harm, but the two forces can neutralise with each other. Once that the movements change from yin to yang and vice versa, it is believed that the two forces can be balanced internally.
Chi Kung movements can be described as relaxed. In return, the blood will flow to the entire body muscles. It also allows the body to have a quick healing process since the nutrients and oxygen can reach the necessary parts.
Chi Kung is already thousands of years old. It was documented as the healing art for Yellow Emperor TiNeijing happened during the Han dynasty (206 BC to AD 220).
Most of the Chi Kung practitioners believe that a wandering monk brought the reverted to China. Da Mo who is also known as Bodhidharma brought both Buddhism, Kung Fu, and Chi King in 475 AD. Also, he brought the early form of Zen Buddhism to China coming from Southern India.
The origins of China for Buddhist are traced to Bodhidharma, who also founded a Shaolin temple located on Mount Sung in Honan Province, east China. Today, the said temple serves as one of the tourist destinations for many tourists and vacationers.

On the other hand, the origin of Chin Kung is also believed to be found in Taoism. Some practitioners also believe that it originated with the Taoist monks many centuries ago where the two distinct Chi Kung forms exist today.
Because of the involvement of two religions to Chi Kung, both schools have their distinct ritual traditions, practices for the body, mind, and spirit, and ceremonial observances.
Furthermore, there is another allied group that is flourished in Tibet and later on, known as Vajrayana Buddhists. Also, this sect was able to develop their own special set of Chi Kung exercises. Each school has many similarities in both Chi Kung Practices and critical points of philosophy and doctrine. This means that they share at least a few of the universal founding principles.
When it comes to Chi Kung styles, there are thousands of them. One of the Chi Kung styles is compromised mostly of different standing postures, including The Horse Stance. Then, some of the practitioners perform the exercises from the stationary position.
The stationary Chi Kung exercises are designed originally to match the needs of a more significant number of monks in the crowded temples, monasteries as well as non-religious and private centres. These institutions are known for their rigorous daily regimens.
So, if you think Chi Kung can suit your needs for body and mind wellness, there is no way for you not to join a Chi Kung class. In the United Kingdom, the history of introduction to the four home nations has no exact record of date. However, it is noticeable that today more and more people are interested to learn Chi Kung.